About About

An introduction into who I am, where I am from and what my primary mission is. In this section, I briefly describe my story, my hobbies and my family. You will learn about who I am, have the ability to contact me and more!

Portfolio Portfolio

There are several projects that I have worked on both in school and outside of school. These projects have a various experience range with a variety of uses. I break down each platform, language and project I have created - each with their own description, logo and project link (the majority of which lead to GitHub). My full GitHub profile may be found here.

Experience Experience

While I have worked with a sole employer, I have been in several positions with a variety of tasks. This section goes into vast detail of my education (2 degrees) and employment history (with descriptions). I have learned a lot about a variety of topics with each unique experience and am always willing to learn more.
